The Cheese Shop of Salem

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Fromage Fort

Happy New Year!  Hoping that your holiday season was safe, happy and festive!  If you’re like most of us here, you might have a drawer full of little cheese nibs left over from the holiday shuffle that are too small to put out for guests, but too big to just ignore. These little guys know you're tired from all the holiday cooking, but they still want to wow you, and they will:  Fromage Fort. It’s simply a menagerie of leftover cheese, blended into a fun spread that will surprise you every time, because it’s always different! Super versatile, it can be served at room temperature or spread on bread and broiled until hot and bubbly. Serve this on your next charcuterie board and no one will be the wiser that these are your leftovers. Enjoy!
-Queen Christine

½ pound cheese pieces, about 1 cup
1 clove garlic, roughly chopped
¼ cup white wine
freshly ground black pepper

  1. Prepare the cheeses by trimming the rinds and cutting into cubes.

  2. Add cheese to the bowl of a food processor, along with the garlic, white wine and a pinch of black pepper.

  3. Pulse quickly a few times until the consistency is creamy, but still has some body.

  4. Adjust seasoning to taste, and spoon into a small bowl. Serve with crusty bread and cornichon.

Serves 4